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Last updated

01 May 2024
8:32 pm

Tournament results for Spring 2006

2nd Opera shogi open, Paris
2006-06-17 - 2006-06-18

1CheymolEricFR4 Dan21254+7+2+3-8+6+5-10
2MizutaniKazuhiroJP 2030*11+8+1-6+3+5+5 
3PottierFrédéricFR3 Dan19046+5+7+1+2-4-4-4
4BoudineValeryFR5 Kyu12831-9+11+5-7+3+4+101
5NguyenAnh TuanFR3 Kyu145210+3-6-4+9+2-3-12
6Le PelleterErwannFR7 Kyu11313-10+5+2-12+1-3+34
7PintoJean-FrançoisFR2 Kyu15739+1-3-11+4-12+3-20
8RuinGillesFR5 Kyu131512+2-9-10+1-11+3-12
9ThomasQuentinFR 9667-4-8+12+5-10+3+72
10GeddaPederSE10 Kyu8925-6-12+8-11+9-2+7
11EscoffierLucFR7 Kyu10812-12+4-7-10-8-1-38
12LambertMarcFR 1*8-11-10-9-6-7-0 
Promoting Boudine Valery to 4 Kyu
Promoting Thomas Quentin to 10 Kyu